Kilian and Elizabeth’s Winter Elopement

Elizabeth and Kilian are some of the kindest, most authentic, carefree people I’ve ever met. It’s hard to put into words how honored I feel to have captured their wedding day.

From the get go, I knew they would be so much more than just clients. My first call with Elizabeth—before she had even booked me—lasted nearly an hour as we laughed and she shared stories about her and Kilian’s relationship. A few days before their wedding, we met up at Breckenridge Brewery. I remember Dylan and I left that night with such an excitement to be a part of their big day.

Peace and joy characterized the day they got married. No rush, no strict timeline to follow—just two people and their families, so excited for Elizabeth and Kilian to finally be married. It’s days like those where I am *especially* reminded that I have a cooooolest job in the world :’)

The day after their wedding they drove through Grand Junction and we grabbed coffee together at Kiln Coffee Bar—and again, chatted for hours. Needless to say, these two are SO special to me.

Editing this had me going back and forth between smiling and crying the entire time.


Gabe and McKenna’s Wedding in Delta, Colorado


Sally and Clay’s Telluride Wedding